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Built Heritage Services

PCA’s Historic Buildings and Conservation Team offers a range of integrated services to enable clients to develop and refurbish properties in the historic built environment efficiently and economically. Survey provides the digital aspects of Historic Building Recording work. Our services include:

  • Building Assessment – A Building Assessment focuses on a specific building, defining its architectural or historic interest, thereby indicating which elements of a building are more and less sensitive to alteration.
  • Conservation Plan – The long-term management of historic buildings and areas requires a thorough understanding of the historic development and importance of the resource and its component parts and materials.
  • Building Recording – A detailed archaeological record of a building, group of buildings or landscape is often specified as a condition of Listed Building Consent, Conservation Area Consent or Planning Consent. It is also necessary when designing for conservation works.
  • Heritage Statement – A Heritage Statement (HS) outlines the impact of a development on a historic building and it’s setting.
  • Written Scheme of Investigation for Historic Building Recording – The written scheme of investigation (WSI) details methods for the resolution of planning conditions.
  • Cultural Heritage Chapter for Environmental Statement – Cultural Heritage Chapters record not just the tangible aspects of the setting (the buildings and their landscape) but also the intangible ones: how places are experienced eg through oral history.
  • Specialist Graphics – Our built heritage reports are accompanied by illustrations undertaken by our dedicated HBR graphics specialist.
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