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Archaeological Survey

PCA offers a wide range of measured survey and landscape investigation services. We are able to undertake fieldwork on monuments, sites and landscapes in both urban contexts and rural areas, using a range of traditional and technological techniques as appropriate to the accuracy, scale and final output with cost and efficiency in mind. We offer:

  • Measured survey (TST/GNSS/Laser scanning)
  • Landscape setting through observation, survey, aerial photograph and LiDAR interpretation, historic map and documentary research
  • Analytical earthwork survey (graphical/TST/GNSS, resulting in traditional hachured plan or DTM)
  • Geospatial imaging (photogrammetry/Structure-from-Motion/scanning)
  • LiDAR and laser scan point-cloud data processing and visualisations
  • Advice on recording methodologies for different site-types and levels of recording
  • Landscape investigation of sites, monuments and landscapes from rapid assessment to detailed field survey, analysis and interpretation

Topographic, contour and landscape surveys can be supplemented by a range of geophysical techniques, such as resistivity, magnetic susceptibility or ground penetrating radar, which are predictive tools designed to investigate below ground level.

The comprehensive service provided by Pre-Construct Archaeology will integrate the results of survey as part of a complete archaeological package developed in consultation with our clients and tailored to suit the requirements of each project.

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