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Roman London West of the Walbrook

By 15/05/2023News

Ireneo Grosso will be giving an online lecture to The City of London Archaeological Society on Friday, 19th May at 7pm. This is a hybrid event; if you are joining online, your link to join the lecture will be in your email confirmation. Use this form to register:

Between May and September 2022 an archaeological investigation was caried out on land at 35-39 Moorgate & 62-64 Coleman Street, City of London in advance of redevelopment of the site. Although truncated by modern basements, the archaeological works produced evidence for occupation during the Roman and post-medieval period. The site, on the western side of the Walbrook Valley, was probably occupied from the early Roman period as suggested by two early Roman boundary ditches and a substantial east-west orientated Roman road located alongside the southern boundary of the site.


Another smaller north-south orientated road, located in the west-central part of the site, was bounded by clay and timber buildings, whilst in the north-west part of the site evidence for part of an in situ opus signinum floor was recorded. A later Roman shaft, also recorded in this area, produced a large assemblage of Roman painted plaster confirming the presence of a Roman masonry building in this part of the site.

The east-west orientated Roman road was later truncated by a series of large pits possibly during the late Roman period. Here evidence of industrial activity, in the form of glass production, was suggested by the substantial amount of Roman glass recovered, together with fragments of crucibles and of at least one structure which was interpreted as a furnace.

During the late 16th/early 17th century the western part of the site was developed with when at least two basemented buildings which truncated the upper part of the Roman horizon.

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