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Roman leopard found in Suffolk snow

By 11/02/2021July 21st, 2023News, Recent Finds
The glamorous life of an archaeologist!

The recent snow concealed an exciting find in Suffolk : a Roman copper alloy zoomorphic plate brooch cast in the form of a leopard with circular cells filled with enamel to represent the spots on the body. It is a Mackreth Type 7.1, Atelier A (Mackreth 2011, Vol.1, 185, and  Vol.2, 130, Plate 127, no. 11687).  A lion brooch of Atelier Type A recovered from Richborough dated to between: 3rd-4th century. This zoomorphic type is also illustrated in Hattatt (BoA, 1987, 363, fig.222, no.1196). It is an uncommon type, but standardised and possibly Continental.

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